Page:Complete ascetical works of St Alphonsus v6.djvu/307

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Practice of the Love of Jesus Christ.



(Charitas patiens est.—1 Cor. xiii. 4.)

He that loves Jesus Christ loves Sufferings.

This earth is the place for meriting, and therefore it is a place for suffering. Our true country, where God has prepared for us repose in everlasting joy, is paradise. We have but a short time to stay in this world; but in this short time we have many labors to undergo: Man born of a woman, living for a short time, is filled with many miseries.[1] We must suffer, and all must suffer; be they just, or be they sinners, each one must carry his cross. He that carries it with patience is saved; he that carries it with impatience is lost. St. Augustine says, the same miseries send some to paradise and some to hell: "One and the same blow lifts the good to glory, and reduces the bad to ashes."[2] The same saint observes, that by the test of suffering the chaff in the Church of God is distinguished from the wheat: he that humbles himself under tribulations, and is resigned to the will of God, is wheat for paradise; he that grows haughty and is enraged, and so forsakes God, is chaff for hell.

On the day when the cause of our salvation shall be

  1. "Homo natus de muliere, brevi vivens tempore, repletur multis miseriis."Job, xiv. i.
  2. "Una eademque tunsio bonos producit ad gloriam, malos redigit in favillam."Serm. 52, E. B. app.