Page:Complete ascetical works of St Alphonsus v6.djvu/312

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Practice of the Love of Jesus Christ.

But whoever desires the crown of paradise must needs combat and suffer: If we suffer, we shall also reign.[1] We cannot get a reward without merit; and no merit is to be had without patience: He is not crowned, except he strive lawfully.[2] And the person that strives with the greatest patience shall have the greatest reward. Wonderful indeed! When the temporal goods of this world are in question, worldlings endeavor to procure as much as they can; but when it is a question of the goods of eternal life, they say, "It is enough if we get a little corner in heaven!" Such is not the language of the saints: they are satisfied with anything whatever in this life, nay more, they strip themselves of all earthly goods; but concerning eternal goods, they strive to obtain them in as large a measure as possible. I would ask which of the two act with more wisdom and prudence?

But even with regard to the present life, it is certain that he who suffers with most patience enjoys the greatest peace. It was a saying of St. Philip Neri,[3] that in this world there is no purgatory; it is either all paradise or all hell: he that patiently supports tribulations enjoys a paradise; he that does not do so, suffers a hell. Yes, for (as St. Teresa writes) he that embraces the crosses sent him by God feels them not. St. Francis de Sales, finding himself on one occasion beset on every side with tribulations, said, "For some time back the severe oppositions and secret contrarieties which have befallen me afford me so sweet a peace, that nothing can equal it; and they give me such an assurance that my soul will ere long be firmly united with God, that I can say with all truth that they are the sole ambition, the sole desire of my heart."[4]

  1. "Si sustinebimus, et conregnabimus."—2 Tim. ii. 12.
  2. "Qui certat in agone, non coronatur, nisi legitime certaverit."—2 Tim. ii. 5.
  3. Bacci, l. 2, ch. 20.
  4. Spirit, ch. 19.