Page:Complete ascetical works of St Alphonsus v6.djvu/320

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Practice of the Love of Jesus Christ.

with firmness, and another with harshness; it is needful at times to correct with firmness, when the fault is serious, and especially if it be repeated after the subject has already been admonished of it; but let us always be on our guard against harsh and angry correction; he that corrects with anger does more harm than good. This is that bitter zeal reproved by St. James. Some make a boast of keeping their family in order by severity, and they say it is the only successful method of treatment; but St. James speaks not so: But if you have bitter zeal … glory not.[1] If on some rare occasion it be necessary to speak a cross word, in order to bring the offender to a proper sense of his fault, yet in the end we ought invariably to leave him with a gentle countenance and a word of kindness. Wounds must be healed after the fashion of the good Samaritan in the Gospel, with wine and oil: "But as oil," said St. Francis de Sales, "always swims on the surface of all other liquors, so must meekness prevail over all our actions." And when it occurs that the person under correction is agitated, then the reprehension must be deferred till his anger has subsided, or else we should only increase his indignation. The Canon Regular St. John said: "When the house is on fire, one must not cast wood into the flames."

You know not of what spirit you are.[2] Such were the words of Jesus Christ to his disciples James and John, when they would have brought down chastisements on the Samaritans for expelling them from their country. Ah, said the Lord to them, and what spirit is this? this is not my spirit, which is sweet and gentle; for I am come not to destroy but to save souls: The Son of Man came not to destroy souls, but to save.[3] And would you in-

  1. "Quod si zelum amarum habetis, … nolite gloriari."James, iii. 14.
  2. "Nescitis cujus spiritus estis."Luke, ix. 55.
  3. "Filius hominis non venit animas perdere, sed salvare."Luke, x. 56.