Page:Complete ascetical works of St Alphonsus v6.djvu/395

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meekness of conduct till death. While on the cross, and made the object of universal scorn and blasphemy, he only besought the Eternal Father to forgive them: Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.[1]

Oh, how dear to Jesus Christ are those meek souls who, in suffering affronts, derisions, calumnies, persecutions, and even chastisement and blows, are not irritated against the person that thus injures or strikes them: The prayer of the meek hath always pleased thee.[2] God is always pleased with the prayers of the meek; that is to say, their prayers are always heard. Heaven is expressly promised to the meek: Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the land.[3] Father Alvarez said that paradise is the country of those who are despised and persecuted and trodden under foot, Yes, for it is for them that the possession of the eternal kingdom is reserved, and not for the haughty, who are honored and esteemed by the world. David declares that the meek shall not only inherit eternal happiness, but shall likewise enjoy great peace in the present life: The meek shall inherit the land, and shall delight in abundance of peace.[4] It is so, because the saints harbor no malice against those who ill-treat them, but rather love them the more; and the Lord, in reward for their patience, gives them an increase of interior peace. St. Teresa said: "I seem to experience a renewed love towards those persons who speak ill of me."[5] This gave occasion to the Sacred Congregation to say of the saint, that "even affronts themselves supplied her with the food of charity."[6] Offences became a fresh reason for

  1. "Pater! dimitte illis; non enim sciunt quid faciunt."Luke, xxiii. 34.
  2. "Mansuetorum semper tibi placuit deprecatio."Judith, ix. 16.
  3. "Beati mites, quoniam ipsi possidebunt terram."Matt. v. 4.
  4. "Mansueti autem hæreditabunt terram, et delectabuntur in multitudine pacis."Ps. xxxvi. 11.
  5. Rib. l. 4, c. 26
  6. "Offensiones amoris ipsi escam ministrabunt."