Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/115

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The Complete

gratings of the cedra, with what quantity of juice of lemons you think requisite for the quantity of ices you are willing to make, and a little water; pass the whole through a sieve and put it in the sabotiere to congeal as directed before.

Note.—You may likewise make cedra ices with preserved cedra, which, in that case, you are to pound in a mortar, and boil it in a very light sugar, then proceed afterwards just as directed for the other cedra.

To make Muscadine Ices

Take one ounce of elder flower, which put in a sabotiere, pour upon it about half a pint of boiling water, cover your sabotiere with its lid, thus let it draw about half an hour, make then a composition precisely as it were to make a plain lemon ice; to that composition add your infusion of elder flower, pass the whole through a sieve, and put it in the sabotiere to congeal as has been explained.

Note.—You may make this sort of ice with white currants when it is the season, proceeding as it were to make a plain currant ice, and adding to it afterwards your infusion of elder flower, &c.

To make Anana or Pine Apple Ice.

Take any quantity of ananas, take the superficy off their skin, cut them small, and pound them in a mortar; when they are well pounded squeeze them in a cloth to get all the juice, pound them several times, because, in pounding them, you draw nothing more than their juice,
