Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/153

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The Complete

quick oven, and it will take an hour and a quarter baking.

To make another Seed Cake.

Take two pounds of flour, two pounds of fresh butter rubbed well in, ten yolks and five whites of eggs, three spoonfuls of cream, and four spoonfuls of ale yeast; mix all together, put it before the fire to rise, then work in a pound of carraway comfits, and bake it in an hour and a quarter.

To make a rich Seed Cake.

Take five pounds of fine flour well dried, and four pounds of single-refined sugar beat and sifted; mix these together, and sift them through an hair sieve; then wash four pounds of butter in eight spoonfuls of rose or orange-flour water, and work the butter with your hands till it is like cream; beat twenty yolks and ten whites of eggs, and put them to six spoonfuls of sack; put in the flour, a little at a time, and keep stirring it with your hand all the time; you must not begin mixing it till the oven is almost hot, and after it is mixed let it stand some time before you put it into the hoop; when you are ready to put it into the oven, put to it eight ounces of candied orange peel sliced, with as much citron, and a pound and a half of carraway comfits; mix them well and put it into the hoop, it must be a quick oven, and two or three hours will be sufficient to bake the cake; after which you may ice it if you please.