Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/162

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jorum, red roses, marigolds, clove gilliflowers, and blue-bottle berries, all clipped from the white; when you have made all your colours ready, have to every one a little rolling-pan and a knife, or else the colours will mix; first lay a white and then a colour, then a white again, for two colours will not do well; so roll them up, and cut them the bigness of a six-pence, but in what form you please, minding that they are rolled very thin.

To make Honeycomb Cakes.

Boil your sugar to a candy height; then put in your flowers, which must be cut; have little papers with four corners ready; drop some of your candy on the papers, take them off when ready, and if they are rightly done they will look full of holes like honeycombs.

To make Lemon Cakes.

Take the best coloured lemons, scrape out the blacks, and grate off the peel clean: put the peel into a strainer, wet what sugar you think will serve, and boil it to a candy height; then take it off and put in the lemon peel; when it boils, take it off, squeeze in a little lemon juice, and drop them on buttered plates or papers; you may put in musk or ambergris if you please.

To make Lemon, Orange, and Flower Cakes.

Take sugar finely seered, and wet it with the juice of orange, or any flowers you fancy; there must be no more juice than will make your paste stiff and thick; set it upon the fire, when it begins to boil; drop it in little cakes, and they will
