Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/168

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over the pate, which cut round; then put it on a sheet of paper, or a tin plate; make another round piece of paste in the same manner, cutting it in what figures you please; fill the first abbess either with a marmalade of apricots, or apples, or with a cream of pistachios, and cover it with your abbess cut out into figures; then bake your cake, and when done strew some fine sugar over it, and glaze it with a red hot fire shovel; put it in a dish, and serve it up either hot or cold; if it is filed with cream, serve it up always hot.

To make Sword Knots.

Make a second-best paste, and roll it very thin; cut it in thongs like ribbons, some with a knife, and some with a dented paste cutter, to make the scollop; fold them like a sword knot; wet the paste with eggs, where it should join together; bake them on a baking plate; and when ready to serve, garnish with currant jelly, apricot marmalade, frothed cream, or any thing else.

To make Lisbon Cake.

In order to make this cake, get four or five pounds of fine flour, make a good puff paste, and roll it as thin as a half-crown piece; then put over it a dish of the bigness of the cake you design to make, cut your paste round it, and put it upon a sheet of paper; cut out in the same manner seven or eight abbesses more, cutting one of them into several figures, to be placed on the top of your cake; let them be baked separately, then glaze the abbess cut out into figures, and make your cake as follows: put over one of these ab-
