Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/175

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The Complete

To make Orange Biscuits.

Take your oranges and water them two days, boil them tender, shift the water they are boiled in, and put them to another that is hot; when they are tender take them up, and put them in a cloth to dry, minding the meat be taken out of the oranges; then take their weight and half of double refined sugar, finely beaten; let your oranges be beat in a stone mortar, strew the sugar on them as they are beating, and when the pulp is very small, and the sugar taken up with beating, then take it out and lay it on glasses like your paste, minding to be quick in laying it out, for fear it should grow rough and dry too fast; in a stove or dry; beat the pulp of your oranges very small, or else they will look rough, dark, tough, and harsh.

To make Anniseed Biscuits.

To every twelve pounds of dough put twenty ounces of butter, a pound of sugar, two ounces of anniseeds, with a little rose water, and what spice you think fit, and bake it in a moderate oven.

To make Nuns' Biscuits.

Take the whites of six eggs, and beat them to a froth, take also half a pound of almonds, blanch and beat them with the froth of the whites of your eggs as it rises; then take the yolks, with a pound of fine sugar; beat these well together and mix your almonds with the eggs and sugar; put in a quarter of a pound of flour, with the peel
