Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/178

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pin them up at one corner, in a warm place, till they are dry: it must not be in too hot a place when it comes off.

To make Bean or Almond Bread.

Take a pound of pure white almonds, and blanch them in cold water, taking care you pare not the almonds; take a pound of double refined sugar, beat and sifted;then do your almonds, and slice them the round way; as you cut them strew on sugar; be sure you have sugar to the last, and always stir them, for if they cleave to each other they will not be good; they must be put in an earthen bason; put in a small spoonful of caraway seeds, mingle these well together, and add a little gum-dragon dissolved in rose water and strained, put in also three grains of musk and ambergris, dissolved in fine sugar, and the froth of two eggs beaten with rose water; make your froth as light as you can, and put in two spoonfuls of fine flour; when these are well mixed, lay them on wafers as broad as macaroons, and the thickness of two flat almonds; open them with a knife or bodkin, lest two or three pieces stick together; lay them as hollow and low as you can to make them appear in the best manner, and the quicker you lay them out the more hollow they will be; put them in a well heated oven, minding they do not scorch, which will destroy their beauty; when they are half baked take them out, wash them with the white of an egg, scrape a little sugar over them, and let the egg be beaten to a froth, but let not your
