Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/183

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The Complete

To make Gingerbread.

Take a pound and an half of London treacle, two eggs beat, half a pound of brown sugar, one ounce of ginger beat and sifted, of cloves, mace, and nutmeg; all together, half an ounce; of very fine coriander and caraway seeds, half an ounce each; two pounds of butter melted, and mixed together; add as much flour as will knead it into a very stiff paste, and roll it out; cut it into what form your please, bake it in a quick oven on tin plates, and a little time will be sufficient.

Another Way.

Take three pounds of fine flour, the rind of a lemon dried and beat to powder, half a pound or more of sugar, and an ounce and an half of beat ginger; mix all these together, and make it stiff by adding and working in treacle; make it into what form you please; you may put candied orange peel and citron in it; butter the paper is baked on, and bake it hard and firm.

To make Whigs.

Take a pound of butter cut in slices and put it into a pint of milk, set it on the fire till it is melted, and take a quarter of a peck of flour, with some cloves, mace and ginger; then beat four eggs, a quarter of a pint of good yeast, and three or four spoonfuls of sack; when the milk is as warm as though just come from the cow, mix all together to a paste, and let it lie half an hour to rise; then put to it a pound of caraway comfits, mould them into whigs, and bake them on
