Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/193

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The Complete

washed, dried, and rubbed very clean in a cloth; put these ingredients together into a large pan, strew in half an ounce of cinnamon beaten fine, a pound of lump sugar pounded, the peel of a lemon cut fine, the juice of a Seville orange, a gill of sack, and a gill of brandy; mix all well together, then put it close down in a pot, and lay over it writing paper dipped in brandy; when you make pies, add sweetmeats to them, if you chuse; but they are exceeding good without.

To make Minced Pies for Lent.

Boil six eggs hard, a dozen of golden pippins pared and cored, a pound of raisins of the sun stoned; chop these separately very fine; a pound of currants washed, cleaned, and rubbed in a cloth, two ounces of sugar pounded, an ounce of citron, and an ounce of candied orange, both cut small, a quarter of an ounce of beaten cinnamon, two cloves beat fine, and half a nutmeg grated, a gill of canary, and half a gill of brandy; squeeze in the juice of a Seville orange; mix these all well together, and press them close down into a pot for use.

To make Almond Custard.

Take half a pound of sweet Jordan almonds and three bitter almonds, blanch and beat them very fine with orange flower water, and the yolks of six eggs well beat and strained, with a quart of sweet cream; mix all together, and sweeten it to your palate; set it over a slow fire, and keep it stirring one way till it be thick, then pour it
