Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/230

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To make Sugar of Roses, in Figures.

Clip off the white from the red bud, and dry it in the sun; to one ounce of which, finely powdered, take one pound of loaf sugar; wet the sugar in rose water, (but if in season, the juice of roses) boil it to a candy height, put in the powder of roses, and the juice of a lemon; mince all well together, put it on a pie plate, and cut in into lozenges, or make it into any figures you please, as, men, women, or birds; and if you want ornaments in your dessert, you may glid or colour them, as in the wormwood cakes.

To make a grand Trifle.

Take a very large deep china dish, first make some calves-foot jelly with which fill the dish about half the depth; when it begins to jelly, have ready some Naples biscuits, macaroons, and the little cakes called matrimony; break an equal quantity of these in pieces, and stick them in the jelly before it be stiff, all over very thick; pour over that a quart of thick sweet cream then lay all round, currant jelly, raspberry jam, and some calves-foot jelly, all cut in little pieces, with which garnish your dish thick all round, intermixing them, and lay on them macaroons and the little cakes, being first dipped in sack; then take two quarts of the thickest cream you can get, sweeten it with double refined sugar, grated into it the rind of three large lemons, and
