Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/236

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of gum-arabic, which dissolve on the fire with a little water; when the gum is dissolved, add to it a little clarified sugar, and boil them together a short time; then put some of that mixture in the tossing-pan with your almonds, keep stirring till the almonds are dry; when dry, add a little gum to them, and do the same till they are dry again, and continue so doing till you have used all your gum; then add as much clarified sugar as will cover the almonds, and boil it a little; stir your almonds till you see they are well covered; you must take care to stir them continually, and to keep always an equal fire under your tossing-pan; when you see the almonds are well covered, take a little clarified sugar light, that is, where there is more water than sugar, diminish your fire, and give your almonds three or four washes over with sugar in moving them, to make them slip to and fro in the pan; you may even sleek them in the pan with your hand till they begin to be dry; then continue to sleek them with the pan; and take them off and set them in the stove to dry.

To make Coriander Dragees.

Take any quantity of coriander seeds, put them in the tossing-pan over the fire, and let them warm; when they are warm, throw in about half a glass of vinegar, stir them well till they are dry; have clarified sugar, which boil in another pan, and proceed as directed for the almonds, till you see the corianders are covered to the size you want to have them; when that is done, take the corianders out from the pan, wash them well
