Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/238

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them off the fire, and pick all the seeds out of them; clean them well, and part all the grains, for they frequently stick together; when the seed is well cleaned, put it in the preserving pan; and, except the gum, which you will not have occasion to make use of it, proceed as before directed for the almonds.

To make Caraway Seed Dragees.

Take any quantity of caraway, put it in the preserving pan, and when it is quite warm put in clarified sugar a little at a time, stirring it occasionally till it is of what size or bigness you wish to have it; then proceed as directed for the almonds, with respect to the managing of them from that time to the putting of them in the stove to dry.

To make Violet Dragees.

Take one ounce of gum-dragon, which set to soak in half a pint of water, for twenty-four hours; then pass it through a cloth, and put it in the mortar; first pound it alone to make it whiten, then add to it some powdered sugar, and continue to pound it in, adding sugar at intervals, till your paste rises very high, and sticks to your powder; then take it off and put it in a bowl, cut a bit of it, and fill it with powdered sugar till you can handle it without its sticking to your fingers; then add to it violet powder, and take a bit with your fingers, which roll and dress of the size of half a corn of rice; put the other in a pot to keep it moist, and that which you worked, as directed, place in the stove to dry,
