Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/241

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The Complete
Note.—Thus you may candy all sorts of oranges, lemon peels, or chips; lemon rings and faggots are done the same way, with this distinction only, that the lemons ought to be pared twice over, that the ring may be the whiter; so you will have two sorts of faggots; but you must be careful to keep the outward rind from the other, otherwise they will discolour them.

To make fine Citron of green Melons.

Cut them all length-ways into quarters; scrape out the seeds and inside, and preserve and candy the same as above, only with this difference, boil them three times up in the syrup.

Note.—You must look over this fruit kept in syrup, and if you perceive any froth on them, give them a boil; and if they should become very frothly and sour, you must first boil the syrup, and then all together.

To make Pippin Knots.

Take your pippins and weigh them, then put them into your preserving pan; to every pound put four ounces of sugar, and as much water will scarce cover them; boil them to a pulp, and pulp them through a sieve; then, to every pound of the apples weighed, take one pound of sugar clarified; boil it till it almost cracks, put in the paste, and mix it well over a slow fire; take it off and pour it on flat pewter plates, or the bottoms of dishes, to the thickness of two crowns, and
