Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/244

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through it, and put it in the oven; it will ice in a little time, and keep for use. If you wish to have your match pan large, cut it, when it is rolled out, by a gutter plate, and edge it about like a tart; wafer the bottom, and see as aforesaid when the ice is rising; you may colour, gild, or strew them with comfits, and form them in what shape you please.

Mrs. Smith's Way to candy Cherries.

Take cherries before they are ripe, stone them, and pour them clarified sugar boiled upon them.

To candy Apricots, Pears, Plumbs, &c.

Cut your fruits in half, put sugar upon them, bake them in a gentle oven close stopped up; let them stand half an hour, and lay them one by one, on glass plates to dry.

To make Lady Leicester's Spanish Pap.

Take a quart of cream, boil it with mace, then take half a pound of rice, sifted and beat as fine as flour, boil it with the cream to the thickness of a jelly; sweeten it with sugar, and turn it into a shallow dish; when cold, slice it, and you may eat it like flummery, with cold cream.

To candy any Sort of Flowers.

Pick your flowers from the white part, and boil as much double refined sugar to candy high as you think will receive the flowers you do; then put in the flowers and stir them about, till you perceive the sugar to candy about them; take
