Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/246

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must be held as high as you can from the bason; let it stand a day before you use it; when it goes to table, stick slips of candied orange, lemon, and citron peel on the top.

To make a Whim-wham.

Take a pint of sack and half a pound of Naples biscuits, put them in a deep dish or bowl, and let them stand ten minutes; take a quart of cream, whisk it well, pour it over the wine and biscuit, and send it to the table directly; it must be made just as you are going to use it: you must mind to put in as much biscuit as will soak up the wine, and no more.

To make Quadrille Cards.

Take six square tins the size of a card, fill them with very stiff flummery? when you turn them out, have ready a little cochineal dissolved in brandy, strain it through a muslin rag, then take a camel's hair pencil, and make hearts and diamonds; for spades and clubs, take a little chocolate, with a little sweet oil upon a marble, rub it till it is fine and bright; if you chuse the suit to be in hearts, you must place the ace of spades first, then the seven of hearts, the ace of clubs, the ace of hearts, and the two and three of hearts; if in diamonds, the same as hearts; but if you chuse the suits in black, then place the ace of spades, the two of spades, the ace of clubs, and the three, four, and five of spades; do the same in clubs; observe that the two black aces are always trumps in any suits; pour a little Lisbon wine into the dish, and send it up.
