Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/249

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The Complete

To make Syrup of Coltsfoot.

Take of coltsfoot six ounces, maiden hair two ounces, hyssop one ounce, liquorice-root one ounce; boil them in two quarts of spring water till one fourth is consumed; then strain it, and put to the liquor two pounds of fine powder sugar; clarify it with the whites of eggs, and boil it till it is nearly as thick as honey.

To make balsamic Syrup of Tolu.

Take six drachms of the balsam of tolu, and boil it in twenty ounces of spring water till it is half consumed, taking care not to scum it; then add twenty ounces of the best refined sugar, make it to a syrup without further boiling, and when it is cold strain it off.

Another Way.

Boil half an ounce of pearl barley in three several waters, strain off the last water, and when it is settled, take three ounces of it and two ounces of tolu; let it simmer till almost a pint is wasted, and put in two pounds and an half of sugar, boiling it gently to a syrup of what thickness you please, and when almost cold strain it.

To make Syrup of Mulberries.

Take the clear juice of mulberries, to each quart of juice put one pound of white sugar, and make it into a syrup over a slow fire.

To make Syrup of Poppies.

Take two pounds of corn-poppy flowers, and four pounds of warm spring water; let them stand to infuse twenty-four hours, then strain
