Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/257

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The Complete

pounds of sugar over the fire with a little water, boil it till it cracks and sparkles, then put in your cherry juice, and boil them together till they acquire the consistence of syrup.

To make Syrup of Apricots.

According to the time you intend keeping your syrup, it is necessary to put more or less sugar. To keep apricot syrup from one season to another, the proportion will be two pounds of sugar to a pound of fruit: stone a pound of ripe apricots, peel the kernels and apricots, and cut them into little bites; put two pounds of sugar into a saucepan with a glass of water, and boil it to the same height as for the cherries; then put in the apricots with their kernels, and boil them together over a moderate fire, till the syrup will extend into a thread between your fingers without breaking, and strain it through a sieve.

Another Way.

Having cut the apricots and kernels, as before, put them upon the fire with a glass of water, and boil them till they are reduced to a marmalade; put them into a sieve and strain off all the juice, let it settle, and strain it again through a napkin; add the juice to the sugar, and let it boil to the consistence of a strong syrup.

To make Syrup of Apples.

Take a quarter of a pound of golden pippins perfectly sound, cut them into very thin slices, and boil them with half a gill of water; when they are reduced to a marmalade, wring them in a linen cloth, and express all the juice; let the
