Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/277

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The Complete

jessamine flowers, and half a scruple of fine musk; keep them ten days in a vessel close stopt, distil it in Balneum Mariæ, and it will be extremely good.

Another Way.

Take the peels of oranges and green citrons, of each half an ounce, a scruple of cloves, and six ounces of the flowers of spike; mix them all together with six pounds of damask-rose water, let it stand in a vessel covered for the space of ten days, distil it in Balneum Mariæ, and it will be exceedingly good.

Another Way.

Take two pounds of damask-rose leaves, half a scruple of good amber, and beat them together; set it upon hot embers two or three days, and steep them ten days in ten pounds of damask-rose water; then distil it, and let it stand in the sun fifteen days.

Another Way.

Take sweet marjorum, lavender, rosemary muscovy, maudillon balon, fine walnut leaves, damask roses, and pinks, of each a like quantity, and sufficient to fill the still; then take of the best orange and damask rose powder, and storax, each two ounces; strew one or two handfuls of the powder upon your herbs, and distil them with a slow fire; tie a little musk in a piece of lawn, and hang it in the glass your water drops into; when it is all distilled, take out the cake, and mix them with the powders that are left;
