Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/282

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them in a cold still: from this quantity draw three quarts, which you may do in a day.

Another Way.

Take a peck of walnuts in July and beat them small, put to them clove gillyflowers, poppy flowers, cowslip flowers dried, marigold flowers, sage flowers, and burrage flowers, of each two quarts; add to these, two ounces of mace well beat, two ounces of nutmegs bruised, and an ounce of cinnamon well beat; steep all these in a pot, with a gallon of brandy and two gallons of sack; let it stand twenty-four hours, and distil it off.

To make Surfeit Water.

Take scurvy-grass, brook-lime, water-cresses, Roman wormwood, rue, mint, balm, sage, and cleavers, of each one handful; green merery, two handfuls; poppies, if fresh, half a peck, if dry, a quarter of a peck; cochineal, six-pennyworth; saffron, six-pennyworth; aniseeds, caraway seeds, coriander seeds, of each an ounce; liquorice, two ounces; scraped figs split and raisins of the sun stoned, of each a pound, juniper berries, bruised nutmeg, beaten mace, and sweet fennel seeds bruised, of each an ounce, a few flowers of rosemary, marigold and sage; put all these into a large stone jar, and put to them three gallons of French brandy, cover it close, and let it stand near the fire for three weeks; stir it three times a week; be sure to keep it close stopped, and then strain it off; bottle your liquor, and pour on your ingredients a
