Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/287

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The Complete

seeds, fennel seeds, caraway seeds, nutmegs, ginger, cinnamon, pepper, spikenard, parsley seeds, cloves, mace, and aromaticum, rosarum, of each three drachms; sassafras sliced half an ounce, elecampane roots, melliot flowers, calamus aromaticus, cardamums, lignum aloes, rhubarb sliced, thin galingal, veronica lodericum cubeb grains, of each two drachms; the cordial bezoar thirty grains, musk twenty-four grains, ambergris twenty grains, flour of coral two drachms, flour of amber one drachm, flower of pearl two drachms, four leaves of gold, two drachm, flower of pear two drachms, four leaves of gold, two drachms of saffron in a little bag, and one pound of white sugar-candy; wash the herbs and hang them in a cloth till dry; cut and put them into an earthen pot, and in the midst of the herbs put the seeds, spices and drugs, all being well bruised; then put thereto such a quantity of sherry sack as will cover them, and let them steep twenty-four hours; then distil it in a limbeck, and make two distillings of it, and from each draw three pints of water; mix all together, and put it into quart bottles; then dive the cordials into three parts, and put into each bottle an equal quantity; shake it often at the first, and the longer it is kept the better it will be.

To make Palsy Water.

Take sage, rosemary betony, burrage, and bugloss flowers, of each half a handful; lilies of the valley and cowslip flowers, of each four or five handfuls; steep them in the best spirit of sack, and add some balm, spike flowers, mother wort, bay leaves, orange leaves, and their flowers; then put in citron peel, piony seeds, cin-
