Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/294

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of wine six quarts, spring water four gallons and a half; infuse them all together three or four days, distil them in a Balneum Mariæ, and it will prove an excellent stomachic cordial.

To make simple Wormwood Water.

Take one pound of dried wormwood, four ounces of caraway seeds bruised, and three gallons of spirits of wine; infuse and distil them in one pound and an half of sugar, and bottle it for use.

To make Snail Water.

Take comfry and suckory roots, of each four ounces; liquorice three ounces; leaves of harts tongue, plantain, ground ivy, red nettles, yarrow, brooklime, water cresses, dandelion, and agrimony, of each two large handfuls; gather the herbs in dry weather, do not wash them, but wipe them with a clean cloth; then take five hundred snails cleaned from their shells, but not scoured; a pint of the whites of eggs beat up to a water; four nutmegs grossly beat, and the yellow rind of one lemon and one orange; bruise all the roots and herbs, and put them with the other ingredients in a gallon of new milk; and a pint of Canary wine; let them stand close covered eight and forty hours; distil them in a common still over a gentle fire; it will keep good a year, and must be made in spring or autumn; for three months only stop the bottles with paper, then cork them: when you use this water, put to it an equal quantity of milk.
