Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/307

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The Complete

quite clear, draw it off into another vessel, and let it stand about ten days, and then bottle it off.

These wines allay the burning eagerness of thirst, are cooling in fevers, resist putrefaction, stay vomiting, corroborate the heart, and fortify the stomach. Currant wine is drank with success by those that have the fits of the mother; it diverts epilepsy, and is very useful in many complaints incident to the female sex.

To make Raisin Wine.

To two hundred weight of raisins put about forty-four gallons of water, wine measure; stir it up well three or four times a day; let it stand about three weeks, then take it off the raisins, and tun it up; when you put it into the cask, add about two quarts of brandy to it, which will keep it from fretting; let it stand about ten or twelve months, then draw it off from the lees, rince your cask, and put it in again; then fine it down with three ounces of isinglass and a quarter of a pound of sugar-candy, dissolved in some of the wine. There are many ways used to retrieve this wine, if it should chance to sour, which seldom happens if properly made; in this case the most successful method is to replenish it with a farther addition of raisins.

Another Way.

Put two hundred weight of raisins, with the stalks, into a hogshead, and fill it almost with spring water; let it steep about twelve days, frequently stirring them about, and after pouring the juice off, dress the raisins: the liquor should
