Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/311

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The Complete

beaten; scum and strain the water when it is taken off and settled, and put to it the juice of mulberries, and to every gallon the mixture of a pint of white or rhenish wine; let them stand in a cask to purge or settle five or six days, then draw off the wine, and keep it cool.

This is a very rich cordial; it gives vigour to consumptive bodies, allays the heat of the blood prevents qualms and sickness in women, makes the body soluble, helps digestion, and eases distempers in the bowels.

To make Morella Wine.

Take two gallons of white wine, and twenty pounds of morella cherries; take away the stalks, and so bruise them that the stones may be broken; then press the juice into the wine; put mace, cinnamon, and nutmeg, each an ounce, well bruised, in a bag, hang it in the wine when you have put it up in a cask, and it will be a rich drink.

To make Elder-berry Wine.

Take elder-berries, when pretty ripe, plucked from the green stalks, what quantity you please, and press them that the juice may freely run from them, which may be done in a cyder-press, or between two weighty planks, or for want of this opportunity, you may mash them,and then it will run easily; put the juice in a well-seasoned cask, and to every barrel put three gallons of water strong of honey boiled in it, and add some ale yeast to make it ferment, and work out the grossness of its body; then to clarify it, add
