Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/337

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The Complete

of mustard seed dry ground, which must be sunk in a bag to the bottom of the cask.

To make artificial Malmsey.

Take English galingal and cloves, of each a drachm; beat them to powder, and infuse them a day and a night in a pint of aqua vitæ, in a wooden vessel kept close covered; then put it into good claret, and it will make twelve or fourteen gallons of fine malmsey in five or six days; the drugs may be hung in a bag in the cask.

To make Wine settle well.

Take a pint of wheat, and boil it in a quart of water till it bursts and becomes very soft; then squeeze it through a new linen cloth, and put a pint of the liquid part into a hogshead of unsettled white wine, and it will fine it.

To make Wormwood Wine.

Take a good brisk rhenish wine, or white wine, and put into it a pound of Roman wormwood in a bag, clean stripped from the stalks, and well dried; and in ten or twelve days infusion it will give it a taste and curious colour beyond what it had before: this may be done as it is drawn, by dropping three or four drops of chemical spirit, or oil of wormwood, into a quart of wine.

To make Rough Claret.

Put a quart of claret to two quarts of sloes, and bake them in a gentle oven till they have stewed out a great part of their moisture; then
