Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/352

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To pickle Onions.

Take some small onions, peel them, and put them into salt and water; shift them once a day for three days, then set them over the fire in milk and water till ready to boil; dry them, pour over them the following pickle when boiled, and cold:—double distilled vinegar, salt, mace, and one or two bay leaves; they will not look white with any other vinegar.

Another Way.

Take a sufficient number of the smallest onions you can get, and put them into salt and water for nine days, observing to change the water every day; then put them into jars, and pour fresh boiling salt and water over them; let them stand close covered till they are cold, then make some more salt and water, and pour it boiling hot upon them; when it is cold, put them into wide-mouthed bottles, and fill them up with distilled vinegar; put into every bottle a slice or two of ginger, a blade of mace, and a large tea-spoonful of eating oil, which will keep the onions white. If you like the taste of bay-leaf, you may put one or two into every bottle, and as much bay-salt as will lie on a sixpence: cork them well up.

To pickle Walnuts black.

Your walnuts should be gathered when the sun is hot upon them, and always before the shell is hard, which may be easily known by running a pin into them; then put them into a strong salt and water for nine days; stir them
