Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/387

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The Complete

Aromatical plants are distilled in two different manners; either with water to make simple waters; or with spirit of wine to make odoriferous waters. Both of them contribute to health, in contributing to the cleanness of the body.

The best vulnerary plants are those with come from Switzerland. They generally send in those sorts of plants dry leaves and flowers all together; they preserve enough of their good quality to be employed here.

The vulnerary plants which are used in the composition of the arquebusade water, all grow in France. They are employed in their strength, when they are quite green. It is principally in the time they are in blossom they are to be employed. They may be distilled with plain water; but those distilled with spirit of wine have a great deal more virtue.

Both the leaves and flowers of aromatical plants used in the composition of the pot-poury. They are likewise employed in the making of sweet swelling satchels, or bags. The general rule is to employ them in their full vigour, and to gather them before the too great heat of the day has deprived them of their fragrancy.

Of the various Spices and Seeds used in Distillation.

The spices mostly made use of in distillation, are cloves, cinnamon,nutmegs, and mace.

From these spices you may draw, by means of distillation, what is called spirits; and by infusion you may make tinctures and oils of essence. These spices are also used in the composition of several odoriferous water, but especially in
