Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/390

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To make ten Gallons of compound Angelica Water.

Take of the roots and seeds of angelica, and sweet fennel seeds, of each one pound and an half, the dried leaves of balm and sage, of each one pound; slice the roots and bruise the seeds and herbs, and add to them of cinnamon one ounce, of cloves, cubebs, galangals, and mace of each three quarters of an ounce; of nutmegs, the lesser cardamon seed, pimento, and saffron each half an ounce: infuse all these in twelve gallons of clean proof spirit, and draw off ten gallons, with a pretty brisk fire. It may be sweetened or not, at pleasure. This water is a powerful carminative; and good in all flatulent cholics, and other griping pains in the bowels: it is also good in nauseas, and other disorders of the stomach.

To make ten Gallons of Dr. Stephens's Water.

Take of cinnamon, ginger, galangal, cloves, nutmegs, grains of paradise, the seeds of anise, sweet fennel, and caraway, each one ounce; the leaves of thyme, mother of thyme, mint, sage, pennyroyal, rosemary, flowers of red roses, camomile, origanum, and lavender, of each eight handfuls; of clean proof spirit, twelve gallons; and water two gallons; digest all twenty-four hours, and then draw off ten gallons, or till the faints begin to rise. Sweeten with fine sugar to your palate. It is a noble cephalic cordial and carminative; and also, in some degrees, an hysteric; good in all cholic pains in the stomach and bowels, and diseases of the nerves.
