Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/46

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them very tender, and put them into clarified sugar; give them a boil the next day, drain the syrup and boil it till it becomes smooth; put in your oranges, and give them a good boil; when a little cool, drain them, and fill them with a marmalade made as directed, putting in the round piece you cut out; with the syrup, some other sugar, and pipping juice, make a jelly and fill up your pots and glasses.

For variety take three of your preserved oranges take off the tops, cut them so as to look like little cups, and fil them with this marmalade; they both eat pleasant, and make a variety.

To preserve green Oranges.

Take the green oranges, slit them on one side, and put them into a brine of salt water, as strong as will bear an egg, in which they must be soaked at least fifteen days; then strain them and put them into fresh water, and boil them tender; put them into fresh water again, shifting them every day for five days together; then give them another scald, and put them into clarified sugar; give them a boil, and set them by till next day; then boil them again; the next day add some more sugar, and give them another boil; the day after boil the syrup very smooth, pour it on them and keep them.

Note.—That if at any time your perceive the syrup begin to work, you must drain them and boil the syrup very smooth, and pour it on them ; but if the first proves sour, boil it like wise. Green le-
