Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/48

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then take clarified sugar, in which add three parts water, then the plumbs, and set the whole on a slow fire to make them throw off their water; after which, put them in a pan for two days, and then add clarified sugar, and proceed as for other preserves.

To preserve Cucumbers.

Take little gerkins, put them in a large deep jug, cover them close down with vine leaves, fill the jug with water, cover it with a plate, set it in the chimney corner, a little distance from the fire, yet so as to keep warm; let them stand so a fortnight, then throw them into a sieve to drain; they will look very yellow, and will smell disagreeable; throw them into spring water once or twice, to clear them; put them into a large deep stew-pan, or preserving-pan; cover them all over with vine leaves, put in as much clear spring water as will cover them; set them over a charcoal fire, look often at them, and when they are turned a fine green, drain off that water and put them into fresh cold water; have your syrup made ready thus; to every pound of sugar add one pint of water, the clear peel of a lemon cut in long shreads, an ounce of ginger boiled in water for a quarter of an hour; put the ginger and lemon peel to the sugar and water, boil it to a syrup, throw in your cucumbers, and give them a boil, pour them into the pan you intend to keep them in, let them stand till next day, and boil them again three times; when cold, cover them up, and they make as fine a sweet as is tasted.
