Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/51

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The Complete

drain the syrup, and boil it a little smooth; when almost cold, pour it on the flowers, and the following day you may drain them and lay them out to dry, dusting them a very little.

To preserve Cocheneal.

Take one ounce of cocheneal and beat it to a fine powder; boil it in three quarters of a pint of water to the consumption of half; then beat half an ounce of roach allum, and half an ounce of cream of tartar, very fine, and put them to the cocheneal; boil them all together a little while, and strain it through a fine bag, which put into a phial and keep for use.

Note.—If an ounce of loaf sugar be boiled in with it, it will keep what you do not use immediately from moulding.

To preserve Golden Pippins in Jelly.

Pare your pippins from all spots, and, with a narrow-pointed knife, make a hole quite through them; then boil them in fair water about a quarter of an hour; drain them, and take as much sugar as will cover them; boil it till it blows very strong, then put in your pippins, and give them another; then if you have, for example, a dozen of pippins, take a pound of sugar, and boil it till it blows very strong; put in half a pint of pippin jelly, and the juice of three or four lemons; boil all together, and put to the golden pippins; give them all a boil, scum them, and put them into glasses or pots.
