Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/70

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them by; the next day boil the syrup till it becomes smooth, put in the walnuts, and give them another boil; the day after drain them, and boil the syrup till it becomes smooth, adding more syrup, if occasion; give all a boil, scum them, and put them into the pot for use.

To preserve Walnuts green.

Gather your walnuts when they are not much larger than a good nutmeg, wipe them very clean, and lay them in strong salt and water twenty-four hours; then take them out, and wipe them very clean; have ready a stewpan of boiling water, throw them in, let them boil a minute, and take them out; lay them on a coarse cloth, and boil your sugar as directed for the white walnuts; then just give your walnuts a scald in the sugar, take them up, and lay them to cool. Put them in your preserving-pot, and pour on your syrup.

Note.—They answer much better boiled up with the coarsest Lisbon sugar.

To preserve Garlick.

Take a head of garlick, peel the cloves, throw them into spring water, give them just a boil, and preserve them as you do your apricots.

To preserve green Almonds.

Take the almonds when they are well grown, and make a lye with wood, charcoal and water; boil the lye till it feels very smooth, strain it through a sieve, and let it settle till clear; then pour off the clear into another pan, and set it on the fire in order to blanch off the down that is on the almonds, which may be done thus:—When
