Page:Comprehensive Volapük Grammar.djvu/12

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Volapük Grammar.
Man, a man: Man sembal, a certain man.


Is of one uniform declension in four cases: nominative (subject); genitive (possessive); dative (indirect objective); accusative (direct objective); thus—

Singular. Plural (see note 4, page 13).
Nom. Dom a house. Doms the houses.
Gen. Doma of a house. Domas of the houses.
Dat. Dome to a house. Domes to the houses.
Acc. Domi a house. Domis the houses.

Every noun in the language follows this declension; i. e. the nominative is changed by a, e, and i to the genitive, dative, and accusative respectively, and s added to each case gives its plural.

(See page 33.)


(a) Personal.

Singular. Plural.
Ob I Obs We
Ol Thou (you) Ols You
Om He Oms They (masc.)
Of She Ofs They (fem.)
Ok Self Oks Selves
On One Ons You (form of etiquette, rarely used)
Os It

(These follow the declension of nouns, and ol (thou) should be used when a single person is meant.)

(b) Possessive.

Is formed by adding ik to the personal pronoun; thus: Obik, obsik, My, our, etc. They are used adjectively (in which case they follow the noun and are not declined) and pronominally (in which case they are declined); thus —