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Would ſit, and hearken even to extaſie,
And in requitall ope his leather'n ſcrip,
And ſhew me ſimples of a thouſand names
Telling their ſtrange, and vigorous faculties,
Amongſt the reſt a ſmall unſightly root,
But of divine effect, he cull'd me out;
The leafe was darkiſh, and had prickles on it,
But in another Countrie, as he ſaid,
Bore a bright golden flowre, but not in this ſoyle:
Vnknowne, and like eſteem'd, and the dull ſwayne
Treads on it dayly with his clouted ſhoone,
And yet more med'cinall is it then that Moly
That Hermes once to wiſe Vlyſſes gave,
He called it Hæmony, and gave it me
And bad me keepe it as of ſoveraine uſe
Gainſt all inchantments, mildew blaſt, or damp,
Or gaſtly furies apparition;
I purſ't it up, but little reck'ning made
Till now that this extremity compell'd,
But now I find it true, for by this means
I knew the foule inchanter though diſguiſ'd,
Enter'd the very limetwigs of his ſpells,
And yet came off, if you have this about you
(As I will give you when wee goe) you may
Boldly aſſault the necromancers hall,
Where if he be, with dauntleſſe hardihood
And brandiſh't blade ruſh on him, breake his glaſſe,
And ſhed the luſcious liquor on the ground
But ſeaſe his wand, though he and his curſt crew
Feirce ſigne of battaile make, and menace high,
Or like the ſons of Vulcan vomit ſmoake,
Yet will they ſoone retire, if he but ſhrinke
