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Jan., 1908 NOTES FROM THE DIARY OF A N.?,TURALIST IN NORTHERN CALIF. 43 Melospiza cinerea cleonensis. Mendocino Song Sparrow. Crescent City. (Iden- tification by Biological Survey). Melospiza cinerea samuelis. Samuels Song Sparrow. Common at MarshalIs, Marin County. (Identification by Biological Survey). Melospiza lincolni lincolni. Lincoln Sparrow. South Yallo Bally Mountain. (Identification by Biological Survey). Seen also at Crescent City, Requa, Orick and Alton Junction. Passerella iliaca megarhyncha. Thick-billed Sparrow. Common on South Yallo Bally Mountain (Identification of specimens by Biological Survey). Seen also at Beswick and Alton Junction. PiPilo crissalis crissalis. California Towhee. Beswick and Alton Junction. Common. 0reospiza chlorura. Green-tailed Towhee. Not uncommon on South Yallo.Bally. Hirundo erythrogaster. Barn Swallow. Common at Lower Klamath Lake. Tachycineta thalassina lepida. Northern Violet-green Swallow. In the even- ings we would see these birds dashing in small flocks up the Eel River near Bar- ney's Ranch. Ampelis cedrorum. Cedar Waxwing. Two of these birds shot in orchard at Beswick. Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides. White-rumped Shrike. Abundant in sage- brush near Klamath Lake. Helminthophila rubricapilla gutturalis. Calaveras Warbler. Com?non on South allo Bally. Dendroica auduboni. Audubon Warbler. This species was profusely abun- dant on South al!o Bally. In rollicking flocks they visited our camp, perching inquisitively near to us as we worked on our specimens. They consorted with juncos and the two together seemingly outnumbered all other birds. Dendroica nigrescens. Black-throated Gray Warbler. One taken at Beswick. Geothlypis trichas arizeia. Pacific Yellow-throat. Common in fruit orchard at Beswick. Wils0nia pusilia pile0iata. Pileolated Warbler. Fairly common on South Yallo Bally in willow thickets. Anthus pensilvanicus. American Pipit. Met at Klamath Hot Springs (Bes- wick) Orick and Trinidad. Cinclus mexicanus. Water Ouzel. Common along Eel River near South allo Bally. Beswick (Shovel Creek) and at Lierley's Ranch. Salpinctes olm01etus. Rock Wren. This cheery little bird was frequently met on the rocky cliffs northeast of Shovel Creek near Beswick. Nannus hiemalis pacificus. Western Winter Wren. Common at Camp Meeker, South allo Bally, Crescent City, Requa, Orick, Trinidad and Eureka. Certhia familiaris 0ccidentalis. Sierra Creeper. Orick, Trinidad, Henley's Ranch, and Beswick. $itta carolinensis aculeata. Sle?der-billed Nuthatch. South Yallo Bally, Spanish Springs Camp (Beswick). $itta canadensis. Canada Nuthatch. South Yallo Bally, Spanish Springs Camp (Beswick). Penthestes gainbell. Mountain Chickadee. Common at South Yallo Bally, Spanish Springs Camp (Beswick). Penthestes rufescens. Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Crescent City, Alton Junction, Rio Dell, Eureka. ?. Chama?a fasciata pha?a. Northern Wren-tit. Few seen at Crescent City,.