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184 THE CONDOR VOL. X MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS NORTHERN D, IVISION MAY--The regular meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper, ,Ornithological Club was held in the Oakland Chamber of Commerce on lhe evening of May 2, President D'Evelyn in the chair,. Dr. Palmer of the Biological Survey knd a number of other members were in at- fendance. The minutes of the previous meeting were ?ead and approved. Letters were then read ?rom tl?e State Fish .Commission and W. Scott Way of the Audubon Society in which the Club was thanked for ;he started it had taken in the prosecution'of members of the Club who have been dealing commercially in bird skins and eggs. 'On motion of Mr. Hunter a committee was then appointed by the Chair to investigate more fully the matter and report at the next meeting. 'J,. S. Hunter and E. W. Gifford were appointed. A discndsio? wa? had concerning the relation between the .Audubon Society and the Cooper Club; while no definite.action was 'taken it seemed the general feeling that the two organ- izations were working toward the same end but from two different points of view and that it is better that they continue J. G. Bliss of 3281' Briggs Avenue, Alameda, and Geo. J. Obermuller, of Hayward, were elected to' '.membership? their names having been proposed at the March. meeting. The election of Luther J. Wyman by the Southern .. Division w*[s approved. ? Mr. Emerson pro- posed the name of Dr. 1,a Ella Cool Walker, ?09 13th 'and Washingto n Streets, Oakland, and Dr. D'l?velyn that bf Dr. Clarence E. Ed- words of the California Promotion Committee; both of the names to be acted upon at the next meeting. A number of le{ters were read, by the secre- tary, from various parts of the State in answer to a. circular letter sent out to determine the S'?tus of the English Sparrow'and the relation of that bird to the agricultural and horticul- tural interests of the State. .I)iscussion on this matter was field over until the nex. t meeting. After the business session Mr. J. R. Pember- ?on gave a n?ost interesting talk on the birds of the Arroyo Mocho region in the southern part of A?ameda, County. Mr. Pemberton's talk was listened to very closely and was thoroly enjoyed by those present. It was fol- lowed. by a ? considerable discussion whic h brough.t;outadditiongl points of intekest. Dr. Palri?r was then called the Chair to say a few words. He called attention to sev- eral items of interest in Mr. Peniberton's talk that had been overlooked in the previous dis- cussion', and also spoke concerning the distri- bution of the' English Sparrow in the State. Dr. Palmer's talk wa?.greatly appreciated by the Club as it is not' often that we have the pleasure of listening to one of his standing. J. S. HUNTER, Secrelary. SOUTHERN D?V?S?ON MAY--The May meeting was called to order by President Motcorn at his home on North Raymond Avenue, Pasadena, at three o'clock p.m., May 17, 1908, with members present, Harry Swarth, W. B. Judson, J. Grinnell, Howard Robertson, O. W. Howard, Chester C. Lamb, pingtee I. Osburn, Willard Chamber- lain and H. T. Clifton. In the absence of the Secretary, on motion by Mr. Grinnell, duly seconded, Mr. Clifton was appointed Secretary pro tern. The minutes of the last meeting, April 26, 1908, were read and approved. On motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Lamb and duly carried, Mr. L. E. Wyman was nnani - mously elected to active membership in the Club, his application already having been ap- proved by the Northern Division. The appli- cation of Miss Annie M. Alexander to member- ship in the Club was presented by Mr. J. Grin- nell and action deferred in accordance with the by-laws until the next meeting. The report of the Committee on Club Poli- cies, consisting of Messrs. Miller, Grinnell and Robertson, was presented and discussed. On ' proper motion the report was accepted and the committee discharged. No formal program was presented, the re- mainder of the afternoon being occupied by ornithological chat and very dainty refresh- ments. This meeting was particularly pleas- ant as the home-welcoming of Mr. Harry Swarth, formerly one of our active members but who has for some years been connected with the Field Museum of Chicago as taxider- mist. Mr. Swarth now takes a place in the active force of the University of California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. H. T. CLAYTON, Secretary pro tent. JuNv:--The June meeting was called to order

by President Moreore at the office of Mr..H.J. 

Lelande, in the City Hall, Los Angeles, Cali- fornia, Thursday evening, June 25, 1908, with members Loye Holmes Miller, H. J. Lelande, W. Lee Chambers, Alphonse Jay, John M. Wil- lard and J. I?. Law present. The minutes of the last meeting, May 17,' 1908, were read and approved. On motion by Mr. Lelande seconded by Prof. Miller and duly carried, the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing

Miss Annie M. Alexander to active member-' 

ship in the Club, subject to the approval of the Club-at-large. The remainder of the evening was spent in ornithological chat. Adjourned. J. EuaEN? L?.w, Secrelary.