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July, 1909 ANNOTATED LIST OF THE BIRDS OF THE BARR LAKE DISTRICT 119 Agelaius phoeniceus fortis. Thick-billed Red-wing. Agelaius phoen. iceus neutralis. San Diego Red-wing. A series of 32 skins collected at intervals of about a week, from October 5, 1907, to June 4, 1908, in the vicinity of Denver was sent to the Biological Survey for identification. Of this number 13 skins were taken at Bart, 12 of which were identified by Mr. Oberholser asfortis, while the remaining skin, taken November 28, was labeled neu?mlis. Of the remaining 19 skins, all taken in the vicinity of Littleton, Arapahoe County, 14 were labeled forils and five netttmh's. All of the skins labeled neutrah's were fall specimens. Resident, very abundant, but not as plentiful during the summer as X. x?nlhoce ?hahts. NEST AND YOUNG OF YELLOI,V-HEADED BLACKBIRD Sturnella neglecta. Western Meadowlark. Summer resident; abundant. One of the commonest breeding birds of the Bart Lake district. Winter resident; not uncommon. Icterus bullocki. Bullock Oriole. Summer resident; abundant. Scolecophagu$ cyanocephah$. Brewer Blackbird. Summer resident; common. Quiscalus quiscula aeneus. Bronzed Grackle. Summer resident; not common. Coccothraustes vespertinus montanus. Western Evening Grosbeak. Winter visitant; not common.