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Nov., 1912 STUI)Y OF THE I?GGS OF THE MELEAGRIDAE 211 dant over the middle and apical thirds, with none about the larger end or remain- ing third. Number 3 is no. 3 ? t8 5 of the Collection U.S. National Museum (ex Fig. 82. EGGS OF WILD TURKEY (l?klaff)'i$ ?al/opavo silveslris) NO. [, UPPER LEFT HAND ONE. NO. '2) UPPER RIGHT HAND ONE. NO. 3, LOWER LEFT HAND ONE. NO. 4, LOWER RIGHT HAND ONE Ralph Coll.); it was collected at Bridgeport, Michigm?, by Allen Herbert (376 47 0 '77) and measures 68 x 45- It is of a rather deep buffy-brown or ochre,