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112 THE CONDOR Vol. XV On June I, scores of' nests of the Black Tern (Hydrochelidon nigra surina- mensis) were noted in the marsh at A1-Tahoe everyone of which was in the course-of construction or just completed. On June 2 about three miles south- east of Bijou, I noted the Parkman Wren (Troglodytes aedon park?nani) for the l?ig. 36. N?$T AND ]?GG$ OF THI? SORA RILL, PHOTOGRAPHI?D JuN? lO, 1909, N?AR LAK? TAHO? first time in the region. Its occurrence here at this date would indicate its nest- ing in this locality as very probable. On June 4 among the tall marsh grass of a boggy tract on the Bijou meadow, I found a nest of the Sora Rail (Porxana car- olina) the first I believe to be recorded for Lake Valley. The nest held the un-