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MEASUREMENTS IN MILLIMETERS (AVERAGE, MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM) OF CERTAIN OF THE SUBSPECIES OF PIPILO MACULATUS Pipilo maeulatus megalonyx 10 males from Pasadena and San Jacinto Mts. Pipilo maculatus [alcifer 10 males from Palo Alto and Oakland Pipilo maculatus oregonus 10 males from Vancouver Island, B.C. Pipilo maculatus falcinellus 10 males from Sacramento Valley Pipilo maculatus curtatus 6 males from Nevada and Oregon Pipilo maculatus arcticus 6 males (4 from Saskatchewan and-Alberta) .Pipilo maculatus clementae 7 males from San Clemente Island

  • Length of white spot on inner web of outer tail feather.

Wing Tail 84.6 96.4 (80-88) (91-100.5) 82.9 94.2 (80-87) (91-!00.5) 84.6 95.9 (80-88) (89-100) 85.4 98.3 (84-88) (%-103) 85.7 98 (83.5-86.5) (95-101) 86.8 98.2 (82-89) (96-101) 84 95.3 (84-87) (91-100) Hind Toe and Culmen Tarsus Claw Spot on Tail * 13.5 27.2 21.3 24.4 (12.5-14.5) (25-28) (20-23) (21-29) 13.9 27.9 20.9 22.7 (13.2-15) (26.5-29) (19.2?-22) (19-27) 14.7 28.1 19 20.7 (14-15) (26-29.5) (17.5-20) (18-25) 14.1 27.9 ? 18.9 26.8 (13-15) (27-28.5) (18-20.5) (25-30.2) 13.8 27.4 18.6 27.5 (12.9-14.8) (26.5-28.5) (18-19) (26-31.8) 13.08 26.5 18.5 33.1 (12.2-13.8) (25.5-27.5) (17.5-20) (29-36) 14.7 28.4 21.2 22.7 (14-15.5) (28-29) (19-24) (22-24)