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210 THE CONDOR Vol. XVI easily be imagined that a dislike to leave this section would drive 'them to make their home upon the flats where, omitting the rocks and cliffs, other con- ditions would appear most favorable. Be that as it may, my untimely disturb- ance of the nest, must have destroyed all faith in its suitability, for after the first day they were never seen to enter it again, and in a couple of days left en- tirely. I append a list of the birds observed upon the Flats.' Band-tailed Pigeon. Golumba ?asctata. Several seen. Sharp-shinned Hawk. Accil?iter velox. One pair. Cooper Hawk. Accil?iter cooliefl. Western Red-tailed Hawk. Buteo borealis calurus. One seen. Golden Eagle. Aquila chrysaetos. Examined a this-year's nest. Long-eared Owl. Asio wilsonJanus. Two young shot before our arrival. Pacific Horned Owl. Bubo virginianus l?acificus. Seen in the evening. Cabanis Woodpecker. Dryobates villosus hyloscol?us. Nest with young. Red-breasted Sapsucker. ?tl?hyral?icus tuber. One seen. California Woodpecker. Melanerl?es for?icivorus bairdi. Breeding. Red-shafted Flicker. Colal?tes caret collaris. Breeding. Dusky Poor-will. Phalaeno?tilus nuttalli californicus. Texas Nighthawk. Choralelies acuti?ennis rexcrisis. Several seen. White-throated Swift. Aeronautes melanoleucus. One pair, breeding? Black-chinned Hummingbird. Archilochus alexandri. Young in nest. Anna Hummingbird. Caly?te anna. Breeding. Rufous Hummingbird. Selas?horus rufus. One male. Arkansas Kingbird. Tyrannus ?erticalis. Ash-throated Flycatcher. Myiarchus cinerascens, Breeding. Black Phoebe. Sayornis nigricans. Olive-sided Flycatcher. Nuttallornis borealis. In wooded canyons, among the pines. Western Wood Pewee. Myiochanes richardsoni. Full grown young in nest. Western Flycatcher. Em?idonax di?icilis. Breeding. Wright Flycatcher. Em?idonax wrighti. A pair seen carrying nesting material to outer. limb, high in a pine tree. Blue-fronted Jay. Cyanocitta stelleri ?rontalis. Nests found containing young and eggs. California Purple Finch. Car?odacus ?ur?ureus cali?ornicus. Quite tame about the camp. Lawrence Goldfinch. Astragalinus lawrencei. Breeding. Sierra Junco. Junco oreganus thurberi. Breed(rig. San Diego Song Sparrow. ?elos?iza melodia coo?eri. Spurred Towbee. Pi?ilo maculatus megalonyx. Breeding. Green-tailed Towbee. Oreos?iza chlorura. Breeding. Western Tanager. Piranga ludoviciana. Nests found with eggs and with young. Western Martin. Progne subis hes?eria. Breeding. Tree Swallow. lrido?rocne bicolor. Several pairs seen. Northern Violet-green Swallow. Tachycineta thalassina le?ida. Western Warbling Vireo. ireosyl?a gil?a swainsoni. Breeding. Hutton Vireo. ireo huttoni. Breeding. Lutescent Warbler. ermi?ora celata lutescens. One pair around camp. Black-throated Gray Warbler. Dendroica nigrescens. Three noted at camp. Golden Pileolated Warbler. Wilsonia ?usilla chryseola. One pair at camp. Rock Wren. Sal?inctes obsoletus. Dotted Canyon Wren. Cather?es mexicanus ?unctulatus. With full-fledged young. Western House Wren. Troglodytes aedon ?arkmani. Nests found with eggs and with young. Slender-billed Nuthatch. Sitta carolinensis aculeata. Several seen. Found breeding here in 1913. Bailey Mountain Chickadee. Penthestes gainbell bai?eyae. Breeding. Pailid Wren-tit. Chamaea fasctata henshawi. Breeding. Western Bluebird. Sialia mexicana occidentalis. Nests found with eggs and with young. Los Angeles, California, July 4,