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144 Least Vireo. Vireo belli pusillus A common fall migrant. Not at all abundant in the spring.

145 Calaveras Warbler. Helminthophila ruficapilla gutturalis. A migrant, seen regularly in the fall, but seldom in the spring.

146 Lutescent Warbler. Helminthophila celata lutescens. A common migrant, more numerous in the fall than in the spring and seen occasionally though rarely in winter.

147 Dusky Warbler. Helminthophila celata sordida. A regular and not uncommon fall migrant. I have never seen any in the spring.

148 Yellow Warbler. Dendroica estiva. One of the commonest of the migrating warblers.

149 Myrtle Warbler. Dendroica coronata. Not at all uncommon during the winter.

150 Audubon's Warbler. Dendroica audubonit. Abundant from about the middle of September to the end of April.

151 Magnolia Warbler. Dendroica maculosa. On Oct. 21, 1897. I shot an immature female.

152 Black-throated Gray Warbler. Dendroica nigrescens. A regular spring migrant, occasionally seen in the fall.

153 Townsend's Warbler. Dendroica townsendi. An irregular spring migrant, some years comparatively abundant and in others, almost entirely absent. On one occasion I saw one in the fall migration and once in December. Both of these were females.

154 Hermit Warbler. Dendroica occidentalis. A rare spring migrant. The only one I have seen in the fall was a single bird on Sept. 10, 1897.

155 Macgillivray's Warbler. Geothylpis macgillivrayi. A regular, but not common fall migrant, rarely seen in the spring.

156 Western Yellowthroat. Geothlypis occidentalts trichas. A very abundant resident. These birds probably migrate to some extent as their numbers in this vicinity are often greatly increased during the migration. On Apr. 3, 1899. I flushed at least twenty birds, nearly all males, out of a small patch of grass and weeds about fifty feet square. In two or three days they were all gone and only a single pair was to be found in the place.

157 Long-tailed Chat. Icterta virens longicauda. A regular and fairly common migrant.

158 Pileolated Warbler. Sylvania pusilla pileolata. A common migrant. They arrive here about the first of April and though they do not breed in the locality, they are abundant here, while found breeding in other places. In the fall they are about the last of the migrants to leave.

159 American Pipit. Azxthus pensilvanicus. A common winter resident. I saw one as late as May 1, 1899.

160 Mockingbird. Mimus polyglottos. A common resident.

161 Rock Wrren. Salpinctes obsoletus. A rare and very irregular fall migrant.

162 V1igor's Wren. Thrvyothorus bewickit spilurus. A rare migrant, seen more often in the fall than in the spring.

163 Parkman's Wren. Troglodytes ædon parkmani. A common migrant and less abundantly a winter resident.

164 Western Winter Wren. Anorthura hiemalis pacificus. On Jan. 22, 1895. Mr. G. F. Morcom saw a Winter Wren in a brush pile near the house but did not secure it.

165 Tule Wren. Cistothorus palustris paludicola. A very common winter resident.

166 Canada Nuthatch. Sitta canadensis. These birds were quite common in this vicinity from the middle of September to about the middle of October, 1898. This is the only time that I have ever seen any in this vicinity.

167 California Bush-Tit. Psaltriparus minimus californicus. I once saw a single bird in the garden. It is the only one I have ever seen near here.