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Occurrence of American White Pelican and the American Avocet at Haywards, Cal. During the week of Nov. 17-24, 1899, large numbers of Avocets (Recurvirostra americanus) could be found feeding in the shallow salt ponds along the bay shore below Haywards. Several hundred could be seen bobbing up and down on the water, as they feed at the bottom of the ponds, which are only eight or nine inches deep. They are seldom seen in large flocks about the marsh ponds.

On Dec. 24, 1899, an adult male White Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) was noted in a vacant lot in the center of the town of Haywards. It was first seen sailing low over the buildings at dusk and was followed by a band of small boys. One, a lad of great courage, told me he was afraid at first to tackle such a big-billed bird, but using one arm as a guard for his face, he made a center rush and put his arm around the big fellow, and bore off his prize! Two others were seen to alight in a field near town. Another was brought to me on Dec. 30, a lad having shot it in Redwood Canyon Creek, some six miles from Haywards. The bird was alone in the creek bottom. A thick fog was hanging over the valley, no doubt causing the pelicans to lose their bearings along the bay shore. This is the first time the species has been recorded from this locality.

A female Lewis' Woodpecker (Melanerpes torquatus) was shot in my orchard Jan. 4, 1900, and I have noticed it but twice in twenty years in this vicinity.

W. Otto Emerson. Haywards. Cal.

Nesting of the Galifornia Cuckoo in Los Angeles Co., Cal. During the season of 1899 I found three nests of this species (Coccyzus a. occidentalis) in the willows along New River, where some of the birds may always be found during the spring and summer. Set No. 1 was taken June 17, 1899 and contained three fresh eggs. The nest was placed in a very bushy willow seven feet up and composed entirely of willow twigs and leaves, being very frail and flat and of the size of a dove's nest. Set No. 2 was taken July 2 and contained four badly incubated eggs, the nest being placed on a horizontal limb of a willow, six feet from the ground and similar in construction to the last. It would not have held another without an addition being made to the nest. The last set was taken July 19 and contained four eggs, considerably incubated, the nest being similar to the others.

J. J. Schneider. Anaheim. Cal.


On the Range of Some California Birds.


The excuse for the following notes is that they either extend the known range of the various birds mentioned or supply additional evidence of their occurrence in the given localities. To make more certain of the identification, specimens of all except the Waxwing and Roadrunner were sent to Mr. Ridgway who kindly gave his opinion on them.

Ampelis garrulus.—This species must be of rare occurrence in California as I find no records in the lists examined. It is not mentioned in the Death Valley Report. N. A. Fauna No 7; Ridgway and Coues give it as south in winter to northern border of the United States; Belding (Ld. Bds. Pac. Dis., p. 165) records it from British Columbia. Fort Walla Walla, Camp Harney, Willamette Valley and Fort Mojave, none of which are California records. However, as Fort Mojave is on the east side of the boundary. Cooper's record may or may not apply to California. The Stanford University collection contains a specimen taken by Edw. Garner at Quincy, Plumas County. The bird is a male and was collected February 15, 1892. Bryant has recorded the species from Susanville, where six were taken in February, 1892. (Zoe. IV, 226.)

Geococeyx californianus.—The Roadrunner has been observed occasionally among the hills west of Palo Alto and we have taken a few specimens near Santa Cruz, but never have considered it to be at all common so far north as