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May, ?9oo I THE CONDOR 67 ?o5 ])endroica auduboni. AUDUBON'S WARBLER. Abundant winter resident. Arrives about September 25 . ?o6 De?zdroica ?i?rescens. BLACK-THROATED GRAY WARBLER. Very rare fall visitant. Only two records. ?o 7 Dendroica townsendi. TOWNSEND'S WARBLER. Rare winter visitant. to8 Geolhlfpis to[111iei. MACGILLIVRAY'S WARBLER. ?paringly summer resi- dent. Earliest observed April 5. to 9 Geothlfpis t. occidentalis. WESTERN YELLOW-THROAT. Summer resident on the marshes. Rather abundant in favorable localities. ?to [cteria v. lon?icauda. LONG-TAILED CHAT. Rare spring visitant. ?i? H,5'lso?tiap. pileolata. P?LEOLATED WA}?BLER. Abundant summer resi- dent. First observed March 26. ? ?2 ?Dtthuspe?zsilvanicus. AMERICAN PIPIT. Abundant winter resident. ?3 Cinclus ine_rica?ts. A?ERrCAN DIPPI?2R. A pair formerly bred near the headwaters of Lagunitas Creek. None seen for.some years. ?4 ,'Yfimuspol9Tlottos. MOCKiNGBiRD. One specimen taken by C. A. Allen. No other record. ? ? 5 [fariborh?nch?ts redivivus. CA?tFORNtAN THRASHER. Notes heard among thick chaparral, but no record. ?6 Xalpi?zctesobsoletus. ROCK WREN. Very sparingly fall migrant, except on rocky cliffs on (mean shore, where it breeds in limited numbers. ?I 7 T/?rp,omanes b. Spi[ltt?ltS. VIGOR'S WREN. Abundant resident. ?8 Tro?lodg,tes a. parkma?zii. PARK?AN'S WREN. Common summer resident. Not very abundant. ?9 ?lnrthura h. pac?)qc?ts. WESTERN WINTER WREN. Common winter resi- dent. ?20 Cistothor?s fi. fiaDtdicola. TULL WREN. Common resident of the tule swamps and marshes. ?2? Certhia f. occidentalis. CALIFORNIA CREEPER. Common resident. Not abundant. 122 Sitta c. acuh'ata. SLENDER-BILLED NUTHATCH. Rare winter visitant at San Geronimo, but probably resident near Sonoma county line. ?23 Silltt ca?tadensis. RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH. Very abtindant in August and September ?898, leaving in October. Never recorded before and not seen since. ?2 4 Wittap, v,m?,a. PYG?Y NUTHATCH. Sparingly resident in a limited area in Point Reyes district. 12 5 t?arzt$ [?zol'?tt[z:$. PLAIN TITMOUSE. Rare winter visitor at San Geronimo. Probably resident near Sonoma county line. 126 ?DttYllS ?'. ?lC?o'ld[llS. CALIFORNIA CHICKADEE. Abundant resident. ?27 ?'ha?z?a.fasciata. WREN TIT. Abundant resident. ?28 ]4valtrifiart?s m. cal?fornictts. CALIFORNIAN BUSH TtT. Abundant resident. ?29 ]?c?o't,[lts s. o[it,accTls. WESTERN GOI.DEN-CROWNED KINGLET. Irregular winter visitant. Most numerous in early spring. t3o ]?Gff?tlt?'s ca[e?tdtt[a. RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET. Abundant winter resident. Arrives in end of September. Almost all males. ?3 ? lVolioptila . obsc?rtt. WESTERN GNATCATCHER. Late summer visitant. Sometimes abundant in August. Stays a few weeks on its way south. ?32 3?[?,adesles t?a,nse?tdii. TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRE. Occasional winter visitor on tops o[higher ranges during a very cold season. Never numerous; only re- corded three times. t33 [f?,!ocichla ustulata. RUSSET-BACKED THRUSH. Common summer resi- dent. Our earliest record May 7. (C. A. Allen April 23. ) ?34 ]?r?o('ichla ao?alaschk?. DWARF HERmiT THRUSH. Abundant winter resi- dent. At San Geronimo almost every specimen taken has proved to be a male. Earliest record September 26. ?35 ,,?erttla ?Jt. jSrojSinqtta. WESTERN ROBIN. Abundant winter resident.