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7 In my last mail there came to me from Christiania, Norway; a compli- mentary copy of the work devoted to the bird-studies made by Dr. Nansen, the famous Arctic explorer, and his nat- uralists ahoard the "Fram" or on sledge- THE CONDOR [ Vol. II Ornithological #esults o! I)r. Nansen's [xpdition to the North role. B%'. DR. R. X,'. SHUFI?-I. DT, M. A. O. two other specimens of the same bird, being dead and hung up by the feet to exhibit the pattern of the dorsal and ventral plumage. The memoir is published by the Fridtjof Nansen Fund for the Advance- journeys made to aud fro frou! her. dur- ing the years ?893-96. This fine bro- chure has just been issued (?899) in sumptuous quarto form (paper)illus- trated by one colored plate of the young in first plumage of Rhodoslethia rosea, and one full-page half-tone of Rhodoslel/tia rosea. ot;,x(; ?N FH?ST PLV.M_',t;E. (Reduced.) ment of Science. hy Jacob l)yhwad of Christiania, Norway, by Longroans, Green & Co. of I,ondon, New Vork and Bombay, and by F. A. Brockhaus of Leipzig.* Professor R?fl)ert Coll?tt, entitle Results. edited ILv Ftidtjof -?nnsen. count of the Birds, I W Robt. C?}11ett and Fridqo!