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7 2 THE CONDOR THE CONDOR. Bulletin ol tile COOPER ORNITHOI.O(;ICAL CLUB o?* CAI, X?*OR?%IXA. Published bi-monthlyat Santa Clara, Cal., in the interests and as Official Organ of the Club. CHESTER BARLOW, Santa Clara, Cal., Editor-in-ChieL HENRY R?EI) TAYLOR, Alameda, Cal. ItOXVARD ROBERTSON. Box 55, Sta. A.. Las Angeles, i)ONALD A. COtIEN, Alameda, Cal., I1. S. Sg'ARTI[, [2 3 Co'nine]wealth Ave., Los Angeles. Sub.?Hption. (in adx?nce) One D{filar a Year. Single COlties, - ..... 25 Cents. Six Copie. or more of one i?sne, ?2? Cents I,;ach. Foreign 5nb.?ription. - .... $1.2 5. ia arr?rs tot Advertising rates will Im sent on applic:diou. Adverli?e nents and sulk?riptions should I? sent to the Exclmnges should be sent to the Editor-in-ChieL This issue of the ?ulte?n was mailed May. 16, EDITORIAL NOTES. Vol. II science has suffered in the death of Dr. Coaes In many respects his position as a writer was mdque. and in most discussimm his position was an aggressive one. Being an ornithologist through and through and having parsued the study for the purpose of advancing it as lay within his pouer, he had no patiem'e with tim Last Through the courtesy of T/m Portrait of l_and of .1t?isltiil of Los Angeles, ('al., we present tx} the readers of Dr. Goa?. Tu?: Cosooa prolmhly the last like- . heSS which was takel? of Dr. Coaes preceding his death. In the February mnnl?r of Land ofXuns/dne, Mr. Chas. F. Iraminis, the editor, devote? ?ever?l page? to ? elmmeter sketch and his ilnpre?imm of i?. Cones, of whom be was an intimate friend. Mr. Iraminis was a member of Dr. C, mes' party in New Mex- ico in 1899, when the d?'tor was engaged in

?'hat ;?'as destined to la, his last scientific work.

Mr. Lmnmis' lofty estimate of Dr. Cones' rimracier aml ability as an ornithologist shared by all who counted the doctor as their friend. I?ferring to Dr. Cones' illness, he says: "In all the wavering shadows of the leaves up- on ns, there was no shadow of what was to come. Yet it w?s already written. As the rest. of BS look back to that flawless day in ,hmn Rey'spatio I fancy we shall not escape some tx?inge that we eonhl not better read the lines under those eleaL genial eyes. Al?ady Dr. Cones was a doomed man. Already he saspeeted?and allox?d no one else to. The weariness and brnises .f a long, hard trip in springleas wagoD8 would g?ll wear off, and our Nestor be himself again. Even his last IOtters monfils after, (lid not convey a sepse of al)!)re- heBsion. But now we know he knew." As the years wearon, orsdtbologisis generally will realize more and more the loss which their side-issues of douhtful value or sim.erity, and never ceased to uphraid those who forsook the study proper to engage in fads. While Dr. Cones' frankness at times made for him emies, there are few but whom adn,ire Dr. Coiles Ils a Illan who hiM] the ('oilrage of convictions. Faa.xvv.?L--ln Mr..qwarth's list of birds ap- pearin,,., in the March-Al?ri} CoN,on for 73, f/m/crnoptil#s n#ttali nitid#s read P. nttilali cal?b?wictts ; 121, instead of./unco Hmrbcri read Junto hj<n/alis f/turbcri; 168, instead of Rt?u- hts saD spa olivace#s read Rul,y-en)wned King- let, A'<?uhts ralelldlda. To those nrnitholo?ists who feet,ire this issne of TIlE (?ONnOR Its 10 sample copy, we invite a ctu?fn} inspection of its contents. The issue c?mtains notahh, arti,'les on the nestin? of the Chtrke's Nntcraeker and tht. Pine Siskin, he- sides otlwr papers (}f vahw, all of whi('h are lint exan pies , the vahntl.le papers to be fmmd in each issne. With 90 aetiw, club members in the riehl, there are few rare or in- terestin?discoveries which are not pron,ptly recorded. SIll}Ilia TIlE ('ONIIoR not. tht'refore, be inchideal in your list of I,ird peri?licals?