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74 Official Minutes of Northern Division. The Club met at tile hmne of Theodore J. Hoover in Palo Alto May 5, with President Emerson in the chair, and Mr. Hoover ?s sec- retary pro tern. Messrs. John J. Williams of Applegate, Placer Co., and E. A. Goldman of Delano were elected to active membersblp. The f?fiIowing n?mes were proposed for active membership: J. O. Snyder, W. K. Fisher 1?. 1C Bruce of S?anford University ?nd J. Hyde of Pato Alto. The following papers were ?ad: "In the Breeding Home of Clarke's Nun- cracker" by H. C. Johnson and "Nesting the Mexicau Wild Turkey" by O. W. Howard of fi?e Southern Division. Mr. Jos. Grinnell then g?ve a very entertaining talk on Maskan birds, and shpwed tbv Club ? fine series of pt.?rmig?n skins, showing the different moults. Refreshments were served, after which an hour and a half was spent io entertaining bird talk. C. B,am,ow, Division Secretary. Official Minutes of Southern Division. MARCtI. The meetin? was held on March 29 at the residence of Mr. G. S. Clmmhliss, in Altmtena. Mr. l)aggett presided. There were ten mem- bers prese,t. ?rhe resignation of A. I. McCor- mick as Bnsiness Manager was a?epted, and fi?e treasurer, H. S. Swarth, elected to serve the unfinished term. On motion, a committee was appoi,)ted consisting of Messrs. HMln and Chmnbliss to investigate the possibility of es- t. al,lishing a runseton for ornithological speci- mens io Pasadena. The treasurer was instruct- ed to send the dues on hand to the Publication Committee, reserving five dollars to meet ('ur- rent expenses. Burnelt Franklin of Pasadena was elected to active ?nembership. One paper, "The Heermann's Song Sparrow," by A. I. McCormick, was read. APRIL. The April meeting of the Division was held on April 28 at Room 403 Bradbury Block. There were eight n:embers present. The mn- seum committee were given arother month to make their report. The ?mme of J.. Eugene Law of Pomona was proposed for membership by Mr. Grinnell through Mr. Daggett. Mr. Roth Reynolds exhibited some photographs of mounted hirds, inch,ting one of the IAttle Brown Crane taken at Newport, Cal., a short tinm ago. After general discussion the meet- ing mtjourned to meet with Mr. Daggett at Pasadena on May 31. HowArd) I{o?rm'rsoN, Division Secretary. rublications Received. S'ro?:, Wn'?m. A New llm.e of the Short- e?re(I Owl. [Proc. Aead. Nat. 8ci. Philadel- phia, 18?, p. 478. Dec. 2?, 1800.] THE CONDOR [ Vol. II Mr. Sione describes a new race of Short- cared Owl from Pt. Barrow, Alaska from speci- mens collected by Mr. E. A. Mcllhenny in 1898. The new race is destrilled as much paler than specimens from the United States and with the tawny tints largety replaced by white. It is given as ranging southeastward over the arctic barren grounds from Point Bar- row and tim nanre of ?sio a. mcilhennyi is pro- posed for the form. STOSr:, Wrmvm. The Stunmet Molting Plum- age of Certain Ducks. [Proc. Aced. Nat. Sei. Phih[delphia, 18(.?.?, 467-472. Dec. 1, 1899.] ?/uk. XVI[, Nos. 1 and 2. Jan., Apl., 19013. t3ird-Lore. II, Nos. 1 and 2. Fob., Apl., 1900. Chautauq?tan, 77?e April, May, 1900. ]rumruer, The. I, Nos. 8 anti 9. Jan., Mch. 1900. Journal of the Jfaine Or?titholoffical Society. I[, Nos. 1 and 2, Jan. Mch. t900. Landof Sunshine. XII, Nos. 3, 4, b. Feb. Mch. Apl. 1.q00. ?[aineSportsman. VII, Nos. 77, 78, 79, 80? Jan., Apl. 190?). ? ?[useum, The. VI, Nos. 3, 4, ,5. Jan., Feb., ?let?. 1.q00. 2vatura[ist Farm & 3?mciers' ?eview, II, ?No, '2, Apl? l.q0tL 2Voles on IChode Island Ornithology. [, Nos. 1,2. Jar--Apl. 1900. Oolo2'ist , The. XVI[, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.' Jau., Feb., Meh., Apl., May, 1900. -- Ornilholozischcs_/ahrbuch. X, Nos. 5, 6, Sept. Nov., 1899 and X[, Nos. 1 and '2, Jan., Mctr., 1900. Osprey, The. IV, Nos. 5, 6, 7,8. Jan., Feb., Mch.,Apt., 1900. Our .4nima! l?)qends. XXVII, Nos. 7, 8, 9, Mar., Apl., May, 1900. Our ]Yumb ,4nima/s. XXXII, Nos. ,q, 10, I1, Feb., Mch., Apl., 1900. ?/an[ ?/Drld. III, Nos. 1, 2, 3, Jan., Feb., Mch., 1900. opu/ar Science XXXIV, Nos. 2. 3, 4. 5 Proceedings q lhe 2vebraska Orni/ho/o. ffL?ts' ( 'nicnJa n ,. 1 .q?30, Feb., Mctr., Apl., May, 1900. ?- [ec?.eation XH, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,Ian., Fel)., Mch., Apl.. May, 1900. ?porls ?tfieht, XXIV, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, Feb, Mch., Ap].. May, 1900. Sunsel IV, Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, Jan, Feb, Mct?, Apl. 1900. ?Feslern Ornitho/o.?,ist, V, Nos, 1, 2, Jam Mch, 1.q00, l?ff/xon ]2, ulletin. No, 30, Jan, 1900, 3?at' Book I)eparlment of ?lffri1tllltre, 18,q8. (issued 18.?91 Mr. W. W, Price has arranged to again es- tablish Iris deligi?tful sumn:er camp for boys in the Sierras from June to September next.