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128 THE CONDOR Vol. XX THE CONDOR A l?a?azine of Western Ornithology, . Publ?hed Bi-Mont? b? the Cooper Or?tholofic? Club J. GRINNELL, Editor HAZY ?. ?WARTH, Associate Editor ]. EUGENE LAW ? Business M?afers W. LEE C?AMBERS Heftyweed, California: Published May 22, 191S SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Dollar and Fifty Cents per Year in the United States, payable in advance. Thirty Cents the single copy. One Dollar and Seventy-five Cents per Year in all other countries in the International Postal Union. COOPER CLUB DUES Two Dollars per year for members residing in the United States. Two Dollars and Twenty-five Cents in all other countries. Manuscripts for publication, and Books and Papers for Review, should be sent to the Editor, J. Grinnell, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley, California. Claims for missing or imperfect numbers should be made of the Business Manager, as addressed below, within thirty days of date of issue. Cooj3er Club Dues, Subscriptions to The Condor, and Exchanges, should b? sent to the Business Manager. For the Purchase of B?ck Volumes of The Condor or of the Pacific Coast Avifauna series, apply to the Busi- ness Manager. Address W. Lee Chambers, Business Manager, l?agle Rock, Los Angeles County, California. EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS Since the appearance in the March issue 0? THr CONrOB of the list of Cooper Club members who have entered into military service, we have been advised of the lowing names to be added to this roster: Ernest M. Anderson, Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada. Dr. Thomas D. Burleigh, Y. M. C. A. Army and Navy Ass'n., in France. Maunsell S. Crosby, Captain, Camp A. L. Mills, New York. F. B. Eastman, Major, Camp Grant, Rock- ford, Ill. P. H. Gosse, Captain, 22d Army, British Expeditionary Force, in France. P. J. Hartman, Engineers, American Ex- peditionary Force, in France. Miss Heloise Meyer, Red Cross, in France. Walton I. Mitchell, Captain, Camp Funs- ton, Kansas. Carl S. Mueller. J. Howard Richey. Oscar F. Schaefer, Engineers (Forest), in France. H. L. Stoddard. Casey A. Wood, Major, Office Surg. Gen., Washington, D.C. Howard Wright, Navy. Word comes that Major (now Colonel, B. E. F.) Allan Brooks found time and oppor- tunity the past winter to make some bird drawings. These appealed to the British public to the extent that several sold for ten pounds and upwards, the proceeds going to the Red Cross. We are glad of the assur- ance that Brooks's brush has lost none of its talent. During the latter part of March, a party of California naturalists paid a flying visi? to several of the Santa Barbara group of Islands, with results ornithological that will be reported upon in the next issue of TI?E Co?Do?. The new Fish and Game Commis- sion's launch "Albacore" provided a com- fortable and rapid means of transit. Cooper Club men who participated in the outing were Messrs. Evermann, Law, Mailliard, and Van Denburgh. The annual Cooper Club Business Mana- ger's report, for the year ending January 1, 1918, as drawn up by Messrs. Chambers and Law, has been filed with each of the two Divisions of the Club. The outstanding feature of the report is the increased cost of printing, and this has necessitated a not- able reduction in the size of the annual vol- ume of T?E Co?Do?. At the same time, in spite of extraordinary financial conditions, there has been an increase in subscribers to TH? Co?ro? as well as in Cooper Club mem- bership, a very healthy state of affairs which we can in all fairness credit only to the energetic efforts of our always loyal officers. We are in receipt of. an announcement of the organization of the Woodland Heights Museum of Analytical Oology, with head- quarters at present in the home of Mr. Mil- ton S. Ray, San Francisco. As indicated in the name chosen, the accumulation and study of birds' eggs is to engage the inter- ests of those identified with the enterprise. Among the names listed in the directorate and membership are: Rose C. Ray, Captain Eugene A. Wiegand, John Deas, Milton S. Ray, Dr. Sterling Bunnell, William R. Ray, A. J. Campbell, Levererr M. Loomis, Henry W. Carriger, Chase Littlejohn, and Oluf J. Heinemann. Mr. J. Grinnell is working on a second installment of his Bibliography of Califor- nia Ornithology. Anyone with knowledge of titles previous to 1908 that were omitted from the Bibliography already published (Pacific Coast Avifauna No. 5) will confer a favor by informing him in regard to them.